Love. What does love look like? What does it feel like? How do you love? How do you know when you're loving and when you're not? Why does love hurt?
Walls. Where do they come from? Why are they so easy to hide behind? How do you get them to come down?
Love and Walls. Like oil and water.
They don't mix. You can try all day long to mix them, but they never will. We say our walls are to keep us safe but all they really do is keep out Love. Our walls close down our minds, ears, eyes, and hearts. We can't function in the world around us because the "safety of our walls" is keeping us from experiencing that world. We think that we are safe. We have created our castles, walls, bubbles, etc. for our protection but in the end it only "protects" us from Love. We say that we built these walls to keep us from the pain of this world but all it really does is sweep our emotions under the rug. Do we really not feel pain? Are our walls truly keeping us from being hurt?
When Love and Walls collide.
What happens when your walls are met with Love? What stronger force is there? No matter the years and the experience we've had when building our walls, they will always crumble when met by Love. With or without our approval, our walls will fall. It will feel as though our whole world is crumbling down and in a way, it is. Our walls will be gone and our hearts will be exposed. It will hurt like hell, Love always does. It will be new and we'll have to learn so many things all over again, but this time we'll be doing it the right way. With Love. This time our minds, ears, eyes, and hearts will be fully open and ready to experience the world around us.
Letting my walls crumble is the hardest thing I've had to do. My walls have protected me for 23 years. They have been my constant. They have been what has held me together when everything else was falling apart. Now I am surrounded by Love and I have no idea how to participate. My world is crumbling, yet I know that it needs to. I know that opening up hurts, Love hurts, being human HURTS, but it is all worth it. And it's time to see me and to see those around me through Love. I'm ready to take Mother Teresa and Papa seriously and let Love take over.